Will there be new photo series?
Writing has priority for me. But I love photography, and occasionally I pick up the camera.
I remember a sunny day in December 2020 when I decided to take the camera on a walk in my park around the corner. It was winter, it was freezing cold, and I was happily hunting from tree to tree, searching for intriguing tree bark images.
While reviewing my material, I rediscovered a tree bark collection from 2015, also from December. I had forgotten all about it.
But this discovery decided me to take one last tree bark tour of my park. This time in summer. A final Berlin tree bark collection. Or so I thought. But once I started, I couldn’t quite stop, and by now I have been on several tours and brought home many new additions to my tree bark collection.

I started taking cloud images in 2022 when the war in Ukraine began and the dramatic cloud formations seemed to echo the horrors of war.
By the end of 2021, I decided to grant myself one photo day a months — a day to take the camera for a walk and search for the unseen.
By October 2022, I had not quite managed a photo day a month, but the photo collections had grown considerably nonetheless and include new series like Berlin ghosts, Berlin moved or Berlin mirrored. And I added quite a few photos taken from my balcony: the new clouds series, the Berlin Marathon specials, and the new photo study Berlin house.
I didn’t expect to pick up the camera much in 2023, though I didn’t foresee that it would the lack of health that kept me from taking the camera on a stroll.
Now it is 2024, a new clouds series is available on my new website The end of all wars. Other than that, I presently focus on my writing, but by the looks of it, I always return to my photographic work at some point.

In past years, I tried to take images of the Berlin Marathon from my balcony. But it was only in 2022 that I tried to capture the running crowds with a moving camera. And that’s me done with the Berlin Marathon. I don’t think I can do better than those images.
Also, when I started my street life collection some time around 2006, I dreamed of travelling and finding street corners in other cities to add street life collections from around the world. I still like that idea.